The Primary Care Physician’s Referral to Nowhere? How to Connect Your Patients with Effective Psychotherapy

The Typical PCP’s Dilemma

You’re thinking, “This patient has so many physical complaints, but how will anything help when they’re facing so much stress?” And then you say in resignation, “How about we try a medication?”  

Perhaps your patient says, “I don’t want to take any pills if I don’t have to,” so you decide to wait and see.  But months later, here they are, sitting on your exam table with little change.

Or you may suggest CBT--Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which you know is the gold standard treatment for depression, anxiety, and a growing number of psychophysiological conditions, like chronic pain/fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, IBS, nonepileptic events, etc.

But how do you know which therapists actually provide evidence-based care or CBT?  How do you know if a therapist you recommend will understand the balance between a patient’s experience of physical symptoms or pain and the psychological interventions that may reduce their suffering?

Be The Hero

At Therapy Lab, we hear versions of this dilemma from so many PCPs, and we’re eager to be a part of the solution. CBT treatment fidelity and transparency are our priority. Your patients will know why you sent them to us because their physical relief and symptom reduction will be top priority as we work on emotional, mental, and functional wellness goals. They are woven together, and we take advantage of symptom reduction in any way possible!

Therapy Lab is an innovative therapy platform offering CBT treatment packages to help clients meet specific goals.  We target mental health and specific physical health problem areas such as insomnia and IBS, and we like to work as efficiently as possible. Most of our treatment plans are designed to last 16 or fewer sessions, and often to significant benefit. We measure clients’ progress as we go and apply science-based principles to the therapy process.

What About Patients Who Dismiss an Emotion-Focused Approach?

Now, some patients may feel misunderstood by the suggestion that therapy can help with a physiological complaint. We get it. No one wants to feel unheard. Might we suggest using statements like these?

  • I hear you completely. Your physical pain/complaints are real and not imagined.
  • I’d like to recommend CBT to you, and I’m going to continue following you to measure how CBT helps with these physical symptoms.
  • In addition to the medical approach, adding the psychosocial component is a science-backed way to reduce your suffering.

At Therapy Lab, we avoid stigmatizing terms and have treatment packages designed specifically for people with physical health problems.  Our transparent approach helps to quell fears about the unknowns of “therapy.”  

And How Do I Get Them In?

Easy. Send patients to our website:, where they can easily book a prompt, free consultation call or complete an online form.  

Patients will know the anticipated cost and time commitment upfront at Therapy Lab. They’ll be matched with the right therapist and will be able to choose a session time usually within 24 hours.

Who Can Benefit?

Any patients with depression or anxiety symptoms, or patients with a psychophysiological condition that remains unmanaged (despite medication trials or referrals to other specialists), will likely benefit. If cost is a consideration, keep in mind that our treatment plans are designed with an upfront budget, and we provide superbills for out-of-network reimbursement.  

We look forward to collaborating with you and your patients in their pursuit of wellness!

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